Painting Narratives
The Daily Traders
Gary L Peters
As the early morning stirs to the pre-dawn greetings by the rural community of boastful roosters, “Gran-gran” is already up in a fidget of activity. The place is as dark as the hot morning coffee she says ‘set you right’ for the day ahead.
Gran-gran is sorting the crocus bags of provisions, the boxes of seasonings, basket of plantains and the assortment of vegetables for her customers in Kingstown, who; are still wrapped in the slumber of their dwindling night’s rest. Grandpa audits the hype of Gran’s market inventory drills, but his work is done, he planted the crops, nurtured the growth and marshalled the harvest.
Gran is now in control, the goods are ready and she heads off into the clearing morning to join the ensemble of the “Daily Traders” in the city.